List of Abbreviations.

absol. = absolute, absolutely.

acc. = accusative.

act. = active.

A. D. = Anno Domini.

adj. = adjective.

adv. = adverb.

adverb. = adverbially.

allit. = alliteration, alliterative.

anatom. = anatomically.

ἅπ. λεγ. = απαξ. λεγόμενον.

A. S. = Anglo-Saxon.

astron. = astronomy, astronomically.

begin. = beginning.

Bodl. = Bodleian.

Bohem. = Bohemian.

botan. = botanically.

Brit. Mus. = British Museum.

ch. = chapter.

class. = classical.

Cod. or Cd. = Codex.

cognom. = cognomen.

collect. = collective.

compar. = comparative.

compd, compds = compound, compounds.

conj. = conjunction.

contr. = contracted.

corresp. = corresponding.

cp. = compare.

Dan. = Danish.

dat. = dative.

decl. = declined.

def. = definite.

defect. = defective.

dep. = deponent.

DeProfesser = De Herr Professer by August Corrodi, in the Zürich idiom.

deriv. = derived.

dict. = dictionary.

dimin. = diminutive.

dissyl. = dissyllabic.

D. R. A. = Deutsche Rechts-alterthümer by Grimm.

dub. = dubious.

eccl. = ecclesiastical.

Ed., Edd. = edition, editions, edited.

E. Engl. Spec. = Early English Specimens.

e. g. = exempli gratia.

ellipt. = elliptical, elliptically.

Engl. = English.

esp. = especially.

etc. = et cetera.

etym. = etymology.

f. or fem. = feminine.

Fin. = Finnish.

for. = foreign.

Fr. = French in etymologies.

Frank. = Frankish.

freq. = frequent, frequently.

Fris. = Frisian.

Gael. = Gaelic.

gen. = genitive.

gener. = generally.

Germ. = German.

gl. or gloss. = glossary.

Goth. = Gothic.

Gr. = Greek.

gramm. = grammar.

Havn. = Havniensis.

Hel. = Heliand.

Icel. = Iceland, Icelander, Icelanders, Icelandic.

id. = idem, referring to the passage quoted.

id. = idem, referring to the translation.

i. e. = id est.

imperat. = imperative.

impers. = impersonal.

indecl. = indeclinable.

indef. = indefinite.

indic. = indicative.

infin. = infinitive.

inflex. = inflexive.

intens. = intensive.

intrans. = intransitive.

irreg. = irregular.

Ital. = Italian.

l. = line.

L. = Linnæus.

Lat. = Latin.

l. c. = loco citato.

lit. = literally.

Lith. = Lithuanian.

Litt. = Littonian.

loc. = local, locally.

m. or masc. = masculine.

medic. = medicine, medically.

metaph. = metaphorical, metaphorically.

metath. = metathesis.

meton. = metonomy, metonomically.

metric. = metrically.

mid. H. G. = middle High German.

mid. Lat. = middle Latin.

milit. = military.

M. Lat. = Mediæval Latin.

mod. = modern.

monosyl. = monosyllabic.

MS., MSS. = manuscript, manuscripts.

mythol. = mythology, mythologically.

n. or neut. = neuter.

naut. = nautical.

navig. = navigation.

neg. = negative.

N. H. G. = New High German.

no. = number.

nom. = nominative.

North. E. = Northern English.

Norweg. = Norwegian.

obsol. = obsolete.

O. H. G. = Old High German.

opp. = opposed.

Ormul. or Orm. = Ormulum.

part. = participle.

partic. = particularly.

pass. = passive.

perh. = perhaps.

pers. = person.

pl. or plur. = plural.

poët. = poetically.

Pol. = Polish.

posit. = positive.

pr. or prop. = proper, properly.

pref. = preface.

prep., prepp. = preposition, prepositions.

pres. = present.

pret. = preterite.

priv. = privative.

pr. n. = proper name.

prob. = probably.

pron. = pronoun.

proncd. = pronounced.

proverb. = proverbially.

provinc. = provincial.

qs. = quasi.

q. v. = quod vide.

R. = Rimur.

recipr. = reciprocally.

redupl. = reduplicative.

reflex. = reflexive.

relat. = relative.

S. = Saga.

s. a. = sub anno.

Sansk. = Sanskrit.

Scandin. = Scandinavia, Scandinavian.

Scot. = Scottish.

signif. = signification.

sing. = singular.

Slav. = Slavonic.

Span. = Spanish.

spec. = specially.

sq., sqq. = following.

subj. = subjunctive.

subst. = substantive.

suff. = suffix.

sup. = supine.

superl. = superlative.

s. v. = sub voce.

Swed. = Swedish.

temp. = temporal.

termin. = termination.

Teut. = Teutonic.

theol. = theological, theologically.

trans. = transitive.

transl. = translation.

trisyl. = trisyllabic.

Ulf. = Ulfilas.

uncert. = uncertain.

unclass. = unclassical.

Ups. De la Gard. = De la Garde’s collection of Icel. MSS. in Upsala.

v. = vide.

viz. = namely.

v. l. = varia lectio.

Wolf. = Wolfenbüttel.

þ. = þáttr.

© Tim Stridmann